Reading a selected RFID-Tag with M6E Nano


in my project im using an ESP32 connected to the “SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M6E Nano”. The modul is connected to an external antenna.

Is it possible to read only selected Tags. For example i got 3 RFID Tags and i only want to read two of them. I know all EPCs and i want to ignore the third Tag.

Reading a single random EPC(readTagEPC) and constantly reading all EPCs(startReading) is working.

The Sparkfun library is scaled down version of the official large MercuryAPI from Thingmagic/Jadak. Hence a number of functions are not implemented and you can not set and sent a filter to have the M6E perform this function. In your sketch however you can implement a check / filter to just ignore the third EPC when it is read.