Receiving RTCM Packets But Not Digesting them

Hello All,

After two weeks of troubleshooting, my team is at a loss for why this is happening. As a last resort after looking at the forums, Google, and even asking ChatGPT, I decided to create an account here to ask.

We’re working with the Sparkfun GPS-RTK2 ( GPS-15136 ) and we’re having issues with digesting RTCM3 packets.

Ublox has the uCenter software for flashing the onboard ZED-F9P on the SF board. Within the software we can check and see what packets and satellites it is receiving and also flash the firmware so our settings are saved. We are sending RTCM3 packets from our own base station not from a public one. To test this, we have an Nvidia Jetson Nano sending test RTCM3 packets over UART.

Within uCenter, you can view what kind and how many packets are being received over IO and you can look at those packets after parsing. Both of these menus can be found within uCenter as UBX-MON-MSGPP and UBX-RXM-RTCM respectively.

From the pictures above you can see that we are receiving RTCM packets over UART1 (not UART2 will explain below) but we are not “using” them to use uCenter’s vocabulary.

The ports in uCenter are configured correctly per the instructions. We have checked cables, wiring, and firmware variables per online articles published by Sparkfun. Currently we are using UART1 instead of UART2 because packets were received as UNKNOWN under “Protocol” in the MSGPP menu when using UART2. When switching to UART1 and sending the same packet, the packet was identified as RTCM3 (protocol 5 in the table) and it had the proper number of bytes and message count under the IO menu (not depicted). All other interfaces (i2c, etc.) on the Sparkfun are disabled.

Checking the packet console, we can see that we are receiving GNSS signals and are parsing them correctly but no RTCM3 messages appear. Thank you for your time and I hope we can find a resolution soon.

