Recommended RFID antennas, readers and tags for this project?


I have a simple project where there will be a box on the wall with many car keys. All the car keys will have key chains with RFID tags. The whole time we need to be reading those tags to know if the car keys are there or not. Only one car key will be in every spot of the row and column.

What do you recommend to use for antennas, readers and tags? The most ideal way would be to have the readers on the back/behind where the keys are placed.



WRL-14131 might work for you, but you are going to need other parts besides that. Have a look at the guide for the simultaneous RFID reader, that should have a list of parts in it to get you started.

Thanks for the info.

Do you know how many tags can be read simultaneously? I will need from 80 to 150 tags at the same time…

Sorry I don’t but the data sheet might be able to answer that question for you.