RFID Senior Design Project

Hello, I am a senior mechanical engineering student at a university working on a senior design project. We are looking to build a tracking system for a manufacturer. For the project, the manufacturer is wanting to track 100+ products on floor. Ideally with an accuracy of 5 ft or less. It has to be a product that we manufacture and requires very little assembly. We compared several systems to each other and found that UWB and RFID were the best options. We will need three main components. A reader, tag, and antenna. For RFID, I found SparkFun SEN-14066, but I’m not sure if this device is suitable for this application. I was wondering if there was another component that would be better for my needs.

That’s the best RFID option we currently carry (not you’ll need https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14131 to achieve your desired range); we do have a refreshed version arriving to our product line sometime between now and Summer

Can you say more about what you mean by ‘tracking system?’ A single reader might be be able to detect the presence of a tag but won’t be able to identify the location of a tag within an area.

For position tracking, consider the MakerFabs ESP32 UWB-DW1000 modules. For 3D position determination you need 5 modules, 4 for the anchor beacons and one for the roving tag. Example code for localizing one tag to +/- 10 cm accuracy can be found here: https://github.com/jremington/UWB-Indoo … on_Arduino