Red Board Turbo power mishap

Arrrggghh! I just applied 12V to the barrel jack power connector on my Red Board Turbo (DEV- 14812). I saw the silkscreen warning “VIN - 6V MAX” too late!

I’m hoping that enough folks have done the same thing such that the repair is already known, since this board is now on backorder. Like, replace the regulator or ??? On mine, the F1 poly-fuse is firing (hot) so, likely U3 regulator is shorted. Immediately after applying 5V thru the USB, the pwr led will light for about 1/3 sec before the fuse toggles and the led goes out. Any advice appreciated !!

I’m also curious what trade-offs went into the design decision to make this board’s power spec different from all the rest !


The newer designs use a regulator with a larger range for this very reason :-/ Here’s the part #, from Diodes, INC AP2112K-3.3TRG1 (3.3v, 600mA, 6v max)

Best of luck!