My Redboard Plus runs a Skeeball scoring program using a LCD 7-segment display via qwiic connector. The Redboard Plus has SCL and SDA pins.
How do you use these pins to send required data. I would like to hard wire in same as the LCD requires 5 volts which I have to jumper into the qwiic cable.
Thanks for your reply, Dave
SDA/SCL are I2C. (or Qwiic)
You’d use the ‘[Wire’ library in Arduino to communicate over I2C.
There should be some example code on the product page for your display, I’d start with that and customize it to suit your needs.](
Thanks Yellowdog,
I’ll check that out. I am assuming that you must declare that those pins as “active”, rather than the qwiic connector.
A4/A5 are connected to the qwiic connector, simply using the Wire library will enable both for I2C.
Just selected the “wire” from the library and it popped up in the program. Connected to the SCL and SDA pins and it worked.
Life is good.
Thanks for your help, Dave