hi, I am trying to connect Renesas skp16c62p microcontroller to rf-24G transceiver to do back to back testing. I check the datasheet of rf-24g but can not figure out how to interface them. if I use shockburst mode, there are three pins are needed in Tx side. How should I connect the CLK1 to the microcontroller, any pin is OK? and also how about the CE, can I simply use any pin on micro to control the CE?
Besides, another question is how I can clock the address and payload to the Rf-24G. The sample code is about PIC, I am not so clear of this micro.
I am a beginner of RF-24G. Thanks fpr your reples.
Any generic i/o pin is ok yes. If your MCU can do SPI then that is also an option (SPI hardware controls data and CLK1 in this case - you still have to control CS and CE). When receiving you also need to monitor the DR1 pin.
My MCU does not support spi fucntion. But it support serial comms. I want to connect it to RF-24G with UART. When MCU load ADDR and payload to the RF-24G, which pin do I need to use? CLK1 or DATA? How can I provide a clocking signal to RF-24G? Is it via CLK1?
Any generic i/o pin is ok yes. If your MCU can do SPI then that is also an option (SPI hardware controls data and CLK1 in this case - you still have to control CS and CE). When receiving you also need to monitor the DR1 pin.