renesas skp16C62p and RF-24

hi, I am trying to connect Renesas skp16c62p microcontroller to rf-24G transceiver to do back to back testing. I check the datasheet of rf-24g but can not figure out how to interface them. if I use shockburst mode, there are three pins are needed in Tx side. How should I connect the CLK1 to the microcontroller, any pin is OK? and also how about the CE, can I simply use any pin on micro to control the CE?

Besides, another question is how I can clock the address and payload to the Rf-24G. The sample code is about PIC, I am not so clear of this micro.

I am a beginner of RF-24G. Thanks fpr your reples.

Any generic i/o pin is ok yes. If your MCU can do SPI then that is also an option (SPI hardware controls data and CLK1 in this case - you still have to control CS and CE). When receiving you also need to monitor the DR1 pin.

Read here about SPI connection: … RF2401.pdf

Some example code using SPI (not for your MCU but it is in C) is in the AVR Code forum.


Hi thanks,

My MCU does not support spi fucntion. But it support serial comms. I want to connect it to RF-24G with UART. When MCU load ADDR and payload to the RF-24G, which pin do I need to use? CLK1 or DATA? How can I provide a clocking signal to RF-24G? Is it via CLK1?

Any generic i/o pin is ok yes. If your MCU can do SPI then that is also an option (SPI hardware controls data and CLK1 in this case - you still have to control CS and CE). When receiving you also need to monitor the DR1 pin.

Read here about SPI connection: … RF2401.pdf

Some example code using SPI (not for your MCU but it is in C) is in the AVR Code forum.


spi is very easy to do in software. there are many many examples available from your friend google.

They do SPI using the UART in the sample code available here: … skp16c62p/
