Request for Assistance with M7e Hecto RFID Reader - Pin Setup and Working Code

Dear Community,

I have purchased both the M7e Hecto reader from SparkFun. Unfortunately, neither of these readers is working as expected. Despite following the examples provided, I have not been able to get either reader to function properly.

I am requesting assistance in providing the correct pin setup and a working code that will allow me to communicate with and successfully read data from these RFID readers. I have tried all available examples, but none of them have worked so far.

Could anyone from the community help with the following:

The accurate pin configuration for both the M7e Hecto when using a SparkFun RedBoard.
A working example code that will allow me to verify communication and get the RFID readers functioning.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated, as I am eager to get these devices up and running.

Thank you in advance for your support.

What is your power supply?

I tried providing 5V from the red board and also tried providing power through USB as well.

Not sure what you tried or what failed so far, but lets start with example1. Connect :

M7E   Redboard
TX      2
RX      3
VCC     5V

The onboard switch must be set to SER (serial)

Use the example as defined. no change.

I sssume you did not connect or changed the board for an external antenna.

Start the sketch.You should not get an error message to check the wiring.

Press a key to start scanning.

Move the RIFD tag right on-top-off the onboard antenna. The on-board antenna is only for limited reach.

please share what happens …

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