Retrofit existing sensors to Qwiic

Hi, I have been working on a high amp robot using Pololu G2 High power simple motor controllers. The motor controllers are robust, but I have been using breadboard jumper wires for control wiring and that is not cutting it because of the vibration. I like the Qwiic system and would like to retrofit all of my motor controllers to work with the Qwiic system. Anybody done that before. Is there a good solid way to do that? Vibration is going to be part of the build and I don’t want chase control wiring failures. Also the slave motor controllers are 3.3 v which should work fine with the system without a level shifter. Right? Thanks

Qwiic is a 3.3 volt bus so you should be good there. For a easy way to retrofit, our [Qwiic Adapter should work for you.](