RF-BT-DIP Bluetooth Module

Hi All,

Anybody have the manual for the RF-BT-DIP? I’ve searched this site and the Blue Radios site to no joy.

Do the examples for the modern BLE modules apply?

I’ve had it for years and never used it.


Hi John.

What SparkFun part number are you asking about? Our part numbers will be three letters, a dash then five numbers. [DEV-13975 would be an example of a SparkFun part.](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13975)

Hi TS-Chris

The part number is RF-BT-DIP and I ordered two of them in 2006. This might have been before the new numbering system.

It was SparkFun Invoice #DHD which is where I got the old part number.

Also, the bluetooth radio on the SparkFun board has the p/n WML-C30AH. There is a SparkFun.com silkscreen with “BlueSM1RF”.

When I power up the device I can see it on my laptop. I’ve used the Arduino examples trying to pass-through commands to get it into CMD mode but get nothing.


Hi John.

Oh wow, that is an oldie! It looks like a module that carried over when SparkFun changed I.T. systems 15 years ago.

I’ve gone back as far as I can look in our system and the only thing I’ve been able to find is a few data sheets but nothing on the AT commands list. I’ve attached what I’ve found, but I don’t know that this will help much.

It looks like Mitsumi originally made the module on these and then BlueRadios bought the design but I don’t know if BlueRadios sold that to someone later on. You might try contacting [BlueRadios to see if they have a command reference somewhere in their archives.

Also, I found a page on the BlueRadios site that might help. Link is below.


RF-BT-DIP.zip (468 KB)

Thanks Chris! I’ve been a SF customer for a long time and still have all my items from many years ago.

I’m a retired industrial controls engineer and just want to play a little with the stuff I currently have to get back into the swing of things.

I’ll follow your advice about contacting BlueRaidos and thanks for the attachment.



You will not believe this but I found the documentation for the RF-BT-DIP. I was going through and cleaning my Geek Room and found a hard copy of the Blue Radios manual. 44 pages.

I have scanned the document to a PDF. If anybody wants a copy I setup a link on my OneDrive…

Be aware that it’s 13 mb.

https://1drv.ms/b/s!AlKjpQ64JuFVgb1JIYJ … g?e=qxCpav

Thanks John!

I’ll add that to our documentation so that if anyone else asks, we will have it for them. :slight_smile:

Hope you have a good weekend!