RF Link Receiver - 4800bps (434MHz) w/generic keyfob

If I purchase the RF Link Receiver - 4800bps (434MHz) here https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10532, and I also purchase some random keyfob that transmits at 434MHz and has two buttons can I use, for example, VirtualWIre library to have my arduino board (Mega 2560 Rev3) open and close a linear actuator? I realize that I’d have to see what data the buttons are transmitting by capturing it via the VirtualWire code, then write a case statement or if / else logic to open for one button and close for the other . . . I just want to confirm that I am not missing something because I do want to use a “nice looking” keyfob that will work with the SparkFun RF link Receiver cited above. Thanks.


There’s no way to tell for sure unless you try it out.