RF remote shutter for a DSLR camera

Hi everyone,

A while ago I bought a RF remote shutter for my Canon camera. Basicaly, one end of the wire is connected to one of the channel in the receiver with a servo connector, and the other end is connected directly to the camera (2.5mm connector) -please see attached photo. I have a 3 steps switch on my transmitter, so when I go one step the camera focuses and another step is taking the shot.

Now this RF remote shutter is broken and I’m trying to build one by myself.

I’m trying to understand what is the chip on the pcb which seems very simple (as shown in the second photo). Does anyone have a clue?

The only mark I found on the black chip in the center of the pcb i “221m”.

If no one recognizes this chip, does anyone know how to DIY this RF remote shutter?

A much better image hosting service: (last one was removed)




It is probably a microprocessor that interprets the servo control pulses and sends appropriate signals to the camera. You might spend 30 seconds googling Canon remote shutter hacks, which yields the pinouts: http://www.doc-diy.net/photo/remote_pinout/

Oh, and good looking babes on the image hosting service.

Thanks for the reply.

I know this link. One might spend another 30 seconds and see that it refers to a wired shutter release control. I was asking about this microprocessor for RF setup.

What happened to this world where you can’t trust the first organic google result for image hosting service! Thanks for the warning. removed.

I thought it would be obvious that the microprocessor controls the camera with the usual wired connection.

I know this link. One might spend another 30 seconds and see that it refers to a wired shutter release control. I was asking about this microprocessor for RF setup.

Let me see if I understand the situation. You have some standard RC transmitter for planes, cars, etc. You also have some standard RC receiver whose servo output would typically be used to run a servo. Then there's the device in the pictures, which is [u]wired[/u] to the servo output and translates certain servo commands into the focus and shutter switch closures understood by the camera. So the device itself has nothing to do with RF, the servo command could have come from an Arduino.

Given that the “translator” IC has 6 pins, just enough to do it’s job and all I see is that and a cap … I’ll opine it’s some custom job and the only drop-in replacement you’ll ever find is from the vendor. What you could do is program a general purpose microcontroller to do the same task. The only 6 pin MCUs I know of are the PIC 10F200 series or some of the ATtiny’s. I can’t tell from the pics whether the layout of the board is compatible with their pinout.