RFID + Biometric access?

Hi guys, I’ve recently ordered an electronic lock that I’m installing on my door and I’m looking for a decent RFID and biometric access so I can gain access with a RFID tag and a biometric fingerprint scan. I can’t seem to find any decent solutions that are relatively good looking and cheap. Does anyone have some advice?

Hello stevejock1,

This sounds like a cool, but complex project. The following products are the best we can offer under budget-friendly conditions:

[Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner

[RFID Qwiic Kit

I hope this helps point you in the right direction. Please feel free to browse our catalog for other products to help your project.](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15209)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15338)

Hi Guys, I am prototyping a similar solution but I am using public key crypto to decouple the biometrics credentials from what is used to grant access: my suggestion is to avoid keeping the fingerprint templates on a device that might be wall mounted outside a “secure” area (e.g., outside your door). Also, RFID tend to be too insecure for Home access (easy to duplicate), please keep that in mind when building your solution :smiley: Happy Hacking!