Hello there,
This is my first experience with Lilypad.I am accustomed to Uno using the RFID but cannot figure out the SPI pins on the Lilypad USB. The codings are being done based on Miguel library and tested on the Uno. I am aware that the Lilypad has the pin connections for SPI. But I do prefer Lilypad USB due to on board lipo connector. Any suggestion on how I can connect SCK,MOSI and MISO to the board from the RFID. I know there is a ''dotted" area where the “pin 13” should be but I do not know how to configure this for my application.
Can I solder the 6 pin header on to the holes and just add jumper wires for it?
I do hope that I can help from this forum. Any advices,suggestions and recommendations are being forwarded with many thanks from me.
Thanks for reading and viewing!