rfid--turn off beep?

Is it possible to turn off the beep when the reader reads a card. I’m using the ID12.

The [ID-12 module doesn’t have an integrated beeper. If you don’t want it to beep, then don’t connect a beeper to pin 10 (LED/beeper output).](RFID Reader ID-12LA (125 kHz) - SEN-11827 - SparkFun Electronics)

I’m using the id-12 and the Sparkfun breakout/usb board, so I guess the beeper is on the breakout board, and I’d like to disable it.

Looking at the [schematic, it looks like you’ll either have to remove (unsolder) the beeper, or cut a trace. There is no way to “disable” the beeper through some setting in the ID-12.](http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/ID/RFID_USB_Readerv12.pdf)

Would putting a jumper across the beeper pins (instead of removing the beeper) work without effecting other components?

Would putting a jumper across the beeper pins (instead of removing the beeper) work without effecting other components?

That would be a really bad idea as you would be shorting Vcc to GND through the NPN transistor (Q1).

At the very least this would cause your USB port to shut down because of an over-current. At worst it could fry your USB port.