RGB LED 'OWire' COM-21209 issue with Attiny

Hi, I am trying to get the OWire LED COM-21209 to work on a Attiny84. All it does it flash white. I suspect the issue is that the Attiny mcu don’t have serial build in and the speed of the communication is to high. Is there a libary that would work with the attiny processors for this LED.

This sketch’s default is 9600 baud https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_OW … Basics.ino

You can click on the ‘documents’ tab here https://www.sparkfun.com/products/21209 for links to all of the docs we have for those

The problem was with the timing. I changed the clock frequency to 1 Mhz and it started working. The 8 Mhz was too fast, you might need a define section for 1 and 8 Mhz clock. It has nothing to do with the Serial communication.