rgb led strip, attiny85, codebender, and a battery

Maybe someone can help me figure out if this is doable, or not. I’ve been trying to use an ATtiny85 on a usb programmer to light up a strip of 7 nanopixel individually-addressable LEDs (WS2812b). I’ve been using codebender, and looking at various instructables, but so far only the first LED in the strip lights up (very bright). That one LED does change color (green to yellow to “white”), but I can’t get anything else to light up. I put a 330 ohm resister on the signal pin (between pin 4 on the ATtiny and the strip.) The strip is supposed to be going through various “rainbow” gyrations, I think, according to the example scripts. I’m using the ATTiny connectors while it is plugged into my USB port to attempt to run the program and provide power to the strip, and eventually hope to power the ATTiny and the strip using batteries. (I want to be able to program in 7 specific colors, representing various stellar types – remember OBAFGKM from astronomy?) Any ideas?

Update: I can get exactly what I want using an arduino uno – 7 pixel LEDs in a strip with any color I choose. When I attempt to replace the arduino with the ATtiny85, only the first LED (pixel 0) lights up, and changes v e r y slowly. Do I need an “external crystal”? Do I have the wrong ATtiny or something – it has no markings on it (and someone gave it to me.)