I’m currently running through the experiment for the environment monitor inn this tutorial (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … nt-monitor). I have been having issues and am receiving the printout of “Error reading from the RHT03” and the exitcode is 0 (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RH … 03.cpp#L62). I’m having difficult troubleshooting why this would be the case. This is my first time playing with IoT devices. Attached is a photo of the setup and should mirror that in the tutorial.
Can you please provide pictures of your setup?
Try sticking a 10K resistor between VCC and DAT on the RHT-03 and see if that gets things moving.
If not, leave the resistor in place and try the sensor on an Arduino Uno to test the RHT-03.
Sorry for not including the image. Here are a couple images of my setup. Thanks for the help! I’ll have to order some 10k resistors to test @YellowDog. Thanks!