RHT03 - not returning data to SparkFun ESP8266 Thing

Working with the SparkFun ESP8266 Thing, basic setup, just using the thing, and RHT03. I have the libraries downloaded, the code compiles, and does not return any data from rht.update(), MOST of the time. Output is to the serial console, and maybe one out of 250 reads, it returns valid data. I tried different versions of the libraries, Tried 5V vs 3.3V power, swapped out ALL of the components, and still not getting a good stream of data back.

Nearly 100% no return, maybe one or two sporadic replies. swapped out ALL parts, even the breadboard. Even tried the pull up resistor option. Ideas? Thanks!

using this code as a test:

#include <SparkFun_RHT03.h>

const int RHT03_DATA_PIN = 4; // RHT03 data pin

RHT03 rht; // This creates a RTH03 object, which we’ll use to interact with the sensor

void setup()


Serial.begin(9600); // Serial is used to print sensor readings.



void loop()


// Call rht.update() to get new humidity and temperature values from the sensor.

int updateRet = rht.update();





Maybe the library doesn’t play nice with ESP8266.

Have you tried the sensor with an uno just to see if it’s working there?

I think I figured it out! Couple things - I reinstalled EVERYTHING, the IDE, libraries, complete reinstall. And, figured out that the sensor is really not REAL TIME, silly me. I used the serial console to monitor when it successfully posted, seems it does take some time for the sensor to post data, was just not waiting long enough. I had the program send a hash mark to the console when it did not get s successful read, and it seems to take some time between reads, but its consistent. Ordered a “faster” sensor from SparkFun, will connect that to QWIIC, and see if that id faster. Looking at a board with more analog ports as well. I’m getting data points on ThingSpeak, YAY! Thanks for the help.

No problem, glad you figured it out!