I would like to connect an STM32F4 board – which has two 50-pin (2x25) connectors – to another home-made board. I only need access to about 10-12 of those 100 pins. I’d like to use 2-3 small ribbon connectors to do the job, but all of the ribbon connectors that I am seeing online have ends that are too “thick”. In other words, the ends of the connector will not fit in between the pins that I am using and the pins that I am not using. I’d rather not cut the unused pins on the STM, so I can use it for other projects as well.
I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction to find a cable that will fit.
I do a fair amount of work with cable harnesses. If you want part numbers for connector receptacles and pins/sockets, let me know. Assuming the header is “standard” 0.1" pitch, I can point you at some DigiKey parts that will work fine and are easy to use. The only issue you may come across is that you’ll probably need to buy a crimping tool, but there are cheap ones out there that do an OK job.