RN-174 connection problem

I ordered a RN-174 Kit from roving networks connected the 9v battery connector. Placed the J6 jumper (trying ad-hoc mode) on an powered up expecting the SSID to show up on my list (using Win7, Linksys AE2500 WiFi adapter). It never showed up. Powered down, pulled J6, plugged in serial cable. Power up connect on COM3 using both putty and teraterm.

9600baud, data-bits 8, stop-bits 1, parity none, flow-control none. It connects but just spits data at me and I cant enter command mode by hitting $$$ (shift+4 three times fast). So i called support they thought it might be a broken board. They sent me a new one. Second board has the same issue. It must be me.

Output with J6 pulled


Output with J6 in


It just keeps repeating these never allows me to enter command mode. I doubt I have two broken boards.

Anyone that can help would be appreciated.

Found the fix. 9V battery was alomst dead…reading 7.2 volts. New 9V battery lit up the LED’s and the device worked.