Rn-41/BlueSMiRF Gold to act as Bluetooth Serial Adapter?

I am currently trying to use the BlueSMiRF Gold to act as a Bluetooth to Serial Adapter. I have been able to get into the configuration settings once over Bluetooth with RealTerm, and am currently using an FTDI232R Usb to communicate with the Bluesmirf. My problem is at first, at default settings I could connect to a Windows Vista Laptop through bluetooth and the COM ports would be setup automatically (COM 4 Outgoing and COM 5 Incoming), but after my first config with RealTerm to change the Config Timer COM 4 disappeared from Bluetooth Devices>COM Ports and RealTerm gives the error:

“BadID, Probably PORT does not exist ie_BadID - Specified comport doesn’t exist”

The change to the config stuck as when I checked the changes through the FTDI232R the timer had been changed.

The Bluesmirf is still discoverable, and the Bluetooth address of the PC is still stored in the bluesmirf but when a connection is attempted from within the config of the bluesmirf it timesout while the PC reports a connection (but no services). Communication attempts over COM 5 don’t work and returns the same error in RealTerm as trying COM 4.

Any help would be appreciated.

try factory reset, PI04

I’ve done a factory reset, I don’t think the problem is with the bluetooth module, but more the computer’s handling of the virtual com it is supposed to create when connected to the bluetooth module., anyone help???

have you tried uninstaling the com port in device manager and then retrying again.

also, if you have a toshiba laptop or a toshiba bluetooth stick then try toshibas bluetooth stack, i feel its better than the windows one.
