I’m using the RN-XV connected to an Arduino mini-pro using a library to communicate with it. There is an intermittent problem connecting with wifi. it works only about 1 out of 4 times.
I’ve updated to the latest RN-XV firmware (2.38) and tried two different libraries, both fail intermittently:
Here’s a log of what I’m getting when it fails (using arduinowifly library)
<2.38>WiFly Ver 2.38, 12-11-2012 on RN-171
<2.38>Cmd:show conn
<2.38>Starting WebClientGetPost…WiFlySerial v1.08 RAM:686
MAC: Cmd: get mac
<2.38>Mac Addr=00:06:66:80:4d:9f
Cmd:set u m 0x1
<2.38>Cmd:set ip dhcp 3
<2.38>Cmd:set comm remote 02.38>AOKAOKAOK
<2.38>Leaving current wifi …Cmd:leave
Cmd: set w p 12345678
<2.38>Credentials Set, Joining foxtango
Cmd: set wlan s foxtango
<2.38>Cmd:join foxtango
<2.38>Auto-Assoc foxtango chan=6 mode=WPA2 SCAN OK
Joining fo.WiFly Ver 2.38, 12-11-2012 on RN-171
MAC Addr=00:06:66:80:4d:9f
Auto-Assoc roving1 chan=6 mode=NONE FAILED
Auto-Assoc roving1 chan=6 mode=NONE FAILED
Auto-Assoc roving1 chan=6 mode=NONE FAILED
Auto-Assoc roving1 chan=6 mode=NONE FAILED
Auto-Assoc roving1 chan=6 mode=NONE FAILED