Hey guys. My friend bought one of these https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10559 and we’re playing around with it, trying to get it to work, but having issues. The issue is that when I try to upload a sketch to the arduino, or communicate with the arduino via the serial monitor in the arduino IDE, the ide freezes.
Right now I’m currently using an arduino Duemilanove attached to a breadboard (Specifically, the arduino prototype shield with the mini breadboard attached).
The program on the arduino is a simple test. Whatever serial characters it gets in, it prints back out. I am using Windows 7
As far as my understanding goes, all that is required with this module is to connect the TX, RX, 3.3v and gnd to the same named pins on the arduino. (Realized the RX and TX pins are probably supposed to be switched but that didn’t help either)
I have done this. I can pair the device with my computer. When I open the arduino IDE, windows asks me to put in a code. I put in ‘1234’, and it tells me the device is ready to be used. So far so good. But then when I open the Serial monitor in the arduino ide and attempt to input some characters, the serial monitor and IDE freeze, and nothing appears to happen in the board. The RX/TX leds on the arduino, which I assume would blink if it were working correctly, do not.
Is there something other than those four pins I’m supposed to hook up? Is there something in the arduino code I’m supposed to do? Any ideas?