Hello There,
I’ve decided to leap into electronics with a “small” project to see if it’s something I can get a handle on. I’ve decided for my first project I’d like to create a bluetooth gamepad using the RN42-XV as the backbone. To keep things simple I started with a breadboard, 10 buttons, some leds, and a 3.3V power supply and all seemed well.
With the RN42 powered I grabbed CoolTerm for Windows but a jumper between pins 2+3 so it would echo commands back and entered the following commands via wireless connection (with Responses):
Again this seemed to be successful as the device came back online and I was able to pair it with the computer and the computer saw the device as a gamepad. Then I tried adding a button by connecting between button 1 on my breadboard and GPIO 9…No Dice. Windows wouldn’t register a button press. I tried connecting it to various pins but with no success. To add insult to injury I then discovered that I could no longer communicate with the RN42 wirelessly using CoolTerm :doh:
I tried changing the Baudrate to 9600 (since that’s what I set it to in the commands above) and I tried leaving it on the default 115200 but no matter what I set it to it just wont communicate any more.
So I thought I’d turn to the forms
Would anyone out there be willing to help a complete nooby figure out
a) how to connect his buttons properly and
b) how to get CoolTerm to talk to the RN42 again
Thanks for any help and here is a shot of my current breadboard layout