RN52 play/pause button

I have the Audio Bluetooth Breakout (WRL-12849) wired up per the Hookup guide, and everything works per the guide EXCEPT the play/pause button - which only PAUSES, but does not resume playing.

Nothing happens on the 2nd hit on play/pause button. To get any music playing again, have hit either previous or next button - which defeats entire purpose of play/pause button.

Any pointer on debugging what is going on?

I have tried:

  • changing the button

  • adding de-bouncing hardware
  • Fritzing pdf (it’s for the full project, look on left side for buttons)

    play/pause button is connected to GPIO13

    btfm_bb.pdf (3.74 MB)

    currently, I am NOT using code at all to control the play/pause functionality. It’s all hardware per the hook up guide.

    have also tried using uart command terminal to send AP command, same result - playback stops, but does not resume.