SparkFun Audio Bluetooth Breakout - RN-52 WRL-1849 play/pause button partially functional

I hooked up & configured board per [hookup guide,

play/pause button only pauses a playback, will not resume.

I have to hit resume on the source device (android phone).

  1. I have tried “AP” in command mode, same result - have to resume from android phone.

  2. I have upgraded DFU firmware, no change, play/pause button still not working correctly.

  3. Switched to my 2nd RN52 board, same issue.

  4. and yes, I did check voltages with multi-meter. all were good.

All other functionality works on both boards.](

I would hazard a guess that library might need to use a downgraded version of BT (~10 years old)…or maybe needs to have its code modified to work with newer media playback/security?

What pin arrangement are you using to trigger the pause/resume? Does using SPP mode (or others) change anything?

I’m not sure what you mean by library - I am NOT using any library ( like the [BAL).

I am using AVRCP, per the hookup guide.](GitHub - doayee/RN52: The Arduino library for the Microchip RN52 used on the Doayee BAL, revised from v1 to be used with an optional attached LCD as a MetaData display.)