RockBLOCK 9602 failure connected with PC

I am trying to make serial connection between my PC and RockBLOCK 9602. I set the baudrate 19200 with 8N1 in my serial port on PC. And I use serial port monitor, when I send “AT”, I received nothing back.

The first picture shows the wire connection of RockBLOCK 9602. The top white wire, the followed green wire and the fourth black wire are TXD, RXD and GND of the serial-usb wire. So I connected with RXD, TXD and GND of the board. The third white and the fifth black wire are connected with the 5V power supply. I used Raspberry pi 5 to supply the 5V voltage. And the second image shows the RockBLOCK 9602 pin layout.

The third image shows the serial port monitor screenshot which shows there is no “OK” feedback from the board.
Could anyone help me to solve this problem? Should I place this board under the clear view of sky? I did this test inside the room.

Try swapping RX and TX and see if that works. Also, if i recall you need to leave the Rockbloc powererd up for a little while before it’s ready to communicate. Give it 5 minutes and try then.

Thanks for your reply. I try to swap the RDX and TDX pin, but just get a “AT” back. Here is the screenshot. How to deal with it?

You’re not pressing “Enter” after typing “AT”


I try to press enter after I typing “AT”, I still get nothing back. Maybe is it the endline problem? Here is the screenshot.

It looks like you are sending stuff now…it has a success msg on the right?

I noticed on their examples they have “\r” after the AT command, maybe try adding that? Just a shot in the dark…

Also this guide mentions that it may take up to 60 secs for it to boot up fully (like YellowDog suggested), so make sure to give it time

Doesnt look like any endline characters are being sent. You might try a different terminal emulator program, the one you are using is unfamiliar to me and seems overly complicated for what you’re trying to do.

Hi, I try to add \r at the end of the typing message, but it doesn’t give me “OK” back. And here is my screenshot. If there is something wrong with my serial monitor, could you please recommend me a monitor? And I also boot up for 5 mins.

So what terminal emulator do you use that works well? Thanks!

Tera Term works well as does Putty.

In Tera Term, turn on local echo and set New Line to CR, but you might find CR+LF works better.
(you will need to experiment to see what works best.)

Putty has similar options.

I try to use tera term and set the new line with CR+LF with open echo but still recieve nothing back. I try both type AT or AT\r.

Swap your RX TX wires again and see if that helps.

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Thanks! I got OK back but why the “AT” is duplicated? does it matter?

Local echo must be turned on in the modem so it’s ok to turn it off in your terminal emulator. That will get rid of the double entries. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! That helps a lot!

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hi, I failed again to get response “OK” back with PC. It turns that I connected with raspberry pi and try to send command using raspberry pi and it’s all good. But when I try today, I am failed to get response back. So I am trying to communicate with PC with the same connection, and failed again. So I am wondering if the board is burned or is there is another problem. or maybe it is the USB to TTL cable problem?

and I can’t even see what i typed in the tera term

Hi @wenyuan ,

By default, Echo is enabled on the 9603N modem. The modem echos back the AT command, then sends the response. You can disable the Echo by sending “ATE0”, and re-enable with “ATE1”. Is your code sending ATE0 ?

Please see:

I hope this helps,