RPi Python code to interface to Qwiic Pro Micro - USB-C (ATmega32U4)

I posted on the qwiic system forum but not getting any answers, so I thought I would try another… I need to know how to connect to Qwiic Pro Micro - USB-C board in python on raspberry pi. Everything I see is Arduino centric. Can someone point me to documentation or code examples of connecting to this board and its connected i2c devices? Thanks!


I hit the reset button twice and when I issue “lsusb” I get back “Bus 001 Device 010: ID 1b4f:9206 SparkFun SparkFun Pro Micro” so It seems the rpi recognized the board…now where do I go from here?

Don’t know of any code or documentation for what you’re looking to do but the board should show up as a serial device. Any code that works with USB serial should work.

What I don’t understand is why there are no docs or code on how to use this device to talk to i2c devices that are hanging off of it. The reason I got this device was to eliminate any i2c devices connected to gpio pins, and instead use usb. Anyway, thanks for your help.
