RS232 Aanderaa Conductivity sensor to Arduino

Hi all

I am on a project to make an instrument to measure salinity at Artic glaciers. We have implemented multiple I2C sensors to do so, but want a new sensor attached for benchmark. However I have problems communicating with it, so I hope you can help me. I am using an Arduino Mega and serial communication.

I am using the Breakout - MAX3232 (

I have attached a picture of the wiring: Yellow to sensor = RS-232-RXD, green to sensor = RS-232-TXD

The sensor I am using is the Aanderaa Conductivity Sensor 4319.

Datasheet for sensor: … r-4319.pdf

The specific Rs232 protocol is explained from page 27 and forward.

I have some limited experience with the serial/UART communication. I have tried setting up the attached code, but all I get in return is -1’s so it is obviously not working. Have you guys any advice for me?

Thanks in advance. Let me know if you need more information.


Lucas Sandby (Stud. Mech. Eng.)

For some reason I cannot upload the code, so I’ve uploaded a screenshot instead.

And the mentioned picture of the wiring/hookup.

Due to the complexity of the sensor and the fact the sensor is manufactured by another company, it is difficult for SparkFun Technical Support to give much help. My first suggestion would be to use a signal analyzer, if available, to read what is actually being sent on the comm lines. Are you able to post a snippet of the output as well?