Struggling to find a way to input RTCM corrections to this pHAT over Wifi. Your hookup guides cover bluetooth from an Android phone, and also a hardwire serial to a Windows PC. My application does not allow for connection to either of these devices - need to get the RTCM over WiFI. Your GPS-RTK hookup guide suggests that the Pi, which is connected to WiFi, could provide RTCM correction data over Serial or I2C.
Is there a second UART on the pHAT so that I could enable one of the other UARTs on this Pi4 and use it to send the RTCM data? The hardware overview of the pHAT only mentions one UART.
If I need to use I2C, do you have a recommendation in terms of a Pi library that can retrieve the RTCM corrections from an NTRIP caster over WiFi and then port it to I2C?