Moving Base not working: pHat w/ RPi rover + RTK-SMA moving base


I bought the following products:

The pHat is meant to be used as a rover and the sma-kit is the moving base.

I have followed the directions for moving base operations according to

Connecting a usb to the pHat and enabling ubx-rxm-rtcm I can see that the pi is receiving the RTCM data being output by the SMA over uart2. The SMA recieves RTCM data from an online source and has reached RTK-fixed mode. Likewise, using the online RTCM data for the pi allows it to also reach fixed mode. When the connection data is being received from the sma kit, the pHat never enters float, nevermind fixed.

The SMA is fwver 1.13 and I’m not sure what firmware version the pHat is. Whenever I try to enable mon-hw,sys,etc. messages it freezes up.

Any suggestions?


I’m pretty sure the ZED-F9R HPS firmwares do not support the 4072.x message forms used by Moving Base methods


I think you’re right. I remembered something about the pHat not being usable as a base, so I was looking that up and then found that it’s F9R not F9P. How disappointing?! The integration manual for the F9R also mentions nothing about dual antenna or moving base, so I guess that’s that.

Anyways, I just bought a new F9P on Amazon, so hopefully that fixes it.

It’s way too late to return the pHat, so maybe I’ll sell it on ebay :frowning: .

Asides from that, I’m a happy customer. The F9P has worked like a charm.
