RTK Express Kit - possible to record data instead of broadcasting over bluetooth?


I have the SparkFun RTK Express Kit, and I am looking to use it out in the field to record data for long periods of time, and store it locally. I have read through the documentation and the hookup guide, and I understand that it would typically be used to broadcast data over Bluetooth, but I am just trying to store it.

Would another device be necessary to do this (e.g. Raspberry Pi), or is it possible to record data on the SD card with just the RTK Express alone?

Any recommendations on the best way to accomplish this are welcome.

You can certainly use it with just the SD card to log data and then process it later :slight_smile:

One thing to note: log files can become large fast, so you may have to plan around that by slowing down the update rate/what’s being logged

Thank you for the reply. Does the device automatically log to the SD card, or do I need to enable this somehow?

If I just attached an antenna and left it outside, would it have data on the SD Card?

Yes, logging should be enabled by default…but you’ll want to ensure you have it properly formatted and probably want to set some parameters first (perhaps increase max logging time?) https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … -interface