RTK Facet charging, and firmware update problems

Hi guys,

I’m not sure if this is the correct area to post this/report bugs on the RTK.

About one year ago, I got the RTK Facet and the Express Plus Kit and I’ve been testing and monitoring them since my purchase was made. I’ve had a few bugs, some problems with the LoRa Serial Kit, but nothing really relevant.

A few firmware updates ago, I’ve noticed weird behaviours on both equipment. The first one is when I charge the Express Plus Kit, sometimes it charges all the way up to 95%-ish and the LED starts to blink, it fixes itself if I turn the equipment on and off.

The second and most annoying problem is with my RTK Facet, that since firmware 4.0 has being struggling with acquiring its position and starting transmitting. I’ve tested with firmware 4.0 and 4.1, and both of them presented the same behaviour. I’ve downgraded it back to v3.9 and quickly tested, and it worked as expected.

Also, a third problem that I’ve had is to update their firmware on their website ( on wi-fi. When I go on the menu and try to search for a firmware update, it connects to the wi-fi and it loses its IP address (if that makes sense), being linked to an IP on my wi-fi network and the website ( doesn’t update itself showing if there is a firmware update available or not. I’ve manually updated the firmware on both using the RTK Firmware tool and downloading the binaries from github since then.

I also had some connection issues with the SiK Telemetry Radio connection, where it would just lose connection even from short distances and I had to reset the radios. I haven’t identified a pattern on that, but maybe it was just a faulty cable or something like that.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


Have you discussed this problem at other RTK related forums?

Hello Archie.

I own a Facet and use it regularly as a base for other equipment. With v4.0 and v4.1 I have had some problems like the ones you mention. Slowness when issuing corrections for example.

So I use v3.8 without failure. It’s the version I trust the most.


Have you discussed this problem at other RTK related forums?

I thought it would make a bit of sense discussing a problem I’m having on my SparkFun RTK on a SparkFun RTK forum, but thanks for your idea. I might bring it to other forums.

Hello Archie.

I own a Facet and use it regularly as a base for other equipment. With v4.0 and v4.1 I have had some problems like the ones you mention. Slowness when issuing corrections for example.

So I use v3.8 without failure. It’s the version I trust the most.


Yep, I’ve been using v3.9 and it’s been working spotless. I haven’t tried areas with more dense vegetation, but it is a complete different equipment when I tested the v4.0 and v4.1.


@aliarifat794 - good question.

The forum is good for support. The repo (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … are/issues) is good for reporting replicable bugs. @Archie - you’re somewhere in the middle.

The first one is when I charge the Express Plus Kit, sometimes it charges all the way up to 95%-ish and the LED starts to blink, it fixes itself if I turn the equipment on and off.

The charger IC independently controls the charge LED and is unrelated to firmware. I would charge over night when needed and not be concerned if the LED turns on/off at the top end of the charge. Perhaps your battery is aging and the charger is attempting to turn on and entering an odd hysteresis scenario.

The second and most annoying problem is with my RTK Facet, that since firmware 4.0 has being struggling with acquiring its position and starting transmitting. I’ve tested with firmware 4.0 and 4.1, and both of them presented the same behaviour. I’ve downgraded it back to v3.9 and quickly tested, and it worked as expected.

Help me understand the core issue. Does the RTK Facet get a 3D fix? Are you expecting it to get an RTK Fix? What does ‘start transmitting’ mean? Over which transport method: WiFi, ESP-NOW, Bluetooth, radio, etc? Is what you report related to issue #768 (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … issues/768)?

Also, a third problem that I’ve had is to update their firmware on their website ( on wi-fi. When I go on the menu and try to search for a firmware update, it connects to the wi-fi and it loses its IP address (if that makes sense), being linked to an IP on my wi-fi network and the website ( doesn’t update itself showing if there is a firmware update available or not. I’ve manually updated the firmware on both using the RTK Firmware tool and downloading the binaries from github since then.

Sorry for the confusion, this is a known limitation. The device is in AP mode and when you click on check firmware, it switches to Station mode to connect to local WiFi (therefore dropping current AP connections). That button only works if the device is connected to local WiFi. Alternatively, use the serial terminal or GUI to update the firmware.

@aliarifat794 - good question.

The forum is good for support. The repo (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … are/issues) is good for reporting replicable bugs. @Archie - you’re somewhere in the middle.

The first one is when I charge the Express Plus Kit, sometimes it charges all the way up to 95%-ish and the LED starts to blink, it fixes itself if I turn the equipment on and off.

The charger IC independently controls the charge LED and is unrelated to firmware. I would charge over night when needed and not be concerned if the LED turns on/off at the top end of the charge. Perhaps your battery is aging and the charger is attempting to turn on and entering an odd hysteresis scenario.

The second and most annoying problem is with my RTK Facet, that since firmware 4.0 has being struggling with acquiring its position and starting transmitting. I’ve tested with firmware 4.0 and 4.1, and both of them presented the same behaviour. I’ve downgraded it back to v3.9 and quickly tested, and it worked as expected.

Help me understand the core issue. Does the RTK Facet get a 3D fix? Are you expecting it to get an RTK Fix? What does ‘start transmitting’ mean? Over which transport method: WiFi, ESP-NOW, Bluetooth, radio, etc? Is what you report related to issue #768 (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … issues/768)?

Also, a third problem that I’ve had is to update their firmware on their website ( on wi-fi. When I go on the menu and try to search for a firmware update, it connects to the wi-fi and it loses its IP address (if that makes sense), being linked to an IP on my wi-fi network and the website ( doesn’t update itself showing if there is a firmware update available or not. I’ve manually updated the firmware on both using the RTK Firmware tool and downloading the binaries from github since then.

Sorry for the confusion, this is a known limitation. The device is in AP mode and when you click on check firmware, it switches to Station mode to connect to local WiFi (therefore dropping current AP connections). That button only works if the device is connected to local WiFi. Alternatively, use the serial terminal or GUI to update the firmware.

Hi Sparky,

For the first part, I knew that where I posted probably wasn’t the best place to post it, but I wasn’t aware of anywhere better. My apologies. I might send something on github. Thanks!

About the battery, I’m not sure about that one. The battery isn’t even 1yo, I’d assume it’s a hardware problem, like the battery getting old like you said, or a faulty soldering point, something like that, nothing major.

About the transmitting part. I use the RTK Facet as a mobile base to get RTK fix measurements on my Express Plus Kit. I’ve been using the SiK Telemetry Radio V3 for transmitting, but the Facet doesn’t even enter on Survey mode. I don’t know if that makes sense now, but refer to the Temporary Base section of the hookup guide (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … e-assembly).

About the firmware update, no worries, as I said, it was more like a report from a user, I’m definitely not complaining or anything.

Thank you!

About the battery, I’m not sure about that one. The battery isn’t even 1yo, I’d assume it’s a hardware problem, like the battery getting old like you said, or a faulty soldering point, something like that, nothing major.

No worries. If you want to return (https://www.sparkfun.com/returns) it to us for inspection, we can make sure the battery and charger are operating within spec.

I’ve been using the SiK Telemetry Radio V3 for transmitting, but the Facet doesn’t even enter on Survey mode.

This is very odd. Are you able to trouble shoot this at your desk with a serial connection? The Facet should display ‘Base’ on the display when you press setup. Device should then display ‘Base Started’ or Survey Started depending on the setup.

What is the serial output when you try to enter Base mode?

Hi Sparky,

I usually use it twice/three times per week. Returning it just because of minor issue that doesn’t really affect me that much isn’t the best option at the moment. It will be fine, but I do appreciate your help.

About the trouble shooting part, I don’t really know how to do that. I might be able to go deeper into it something like next month, but it has been way more reliable on v3.8 of the firmware. I think we might had it having the same issue a couple of times, but I need to check with the other user, and it worked after restarting it. There was one time that I had to manually select the Base mode and it worked straight away.

I’m willing to buy another Facet + Express Plus Kit in the near future, and it might help to check if I just got unlucky like with the soldering or something else.

If you have like a tutorial of how I can trouble shoot that, I can give it a go. About all the rest, it was more like a report/feedback, nothing too concerning.

Thank you.

Kind Regards.

When changing firmware versions, a factory reset is advised (https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … tory-reset).

It sounds like you’re up and running. If you need more support, please let us know!