How can you connect The RTK Facet to an IOS like Iphone or Ipad
THX and greetings,
How can you connect The RTK Facet to an IOS like Iphone or Ipad
THX and greetings,
Last I checked the cheapest app on iOS was ~$300; the easiest way around this is to just go grab a $50 android go-phone and just use it with wi-fi/gps/bluetooth etc…free apps on android are SWmaps and NTRIP
I read that it is Android and IOS supported.
see link: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … okup-guide
"Required Materials
The RTK Facet has all you need built into one small unit. In addition, the RTK Facet Kit includes everything you might need as well. The only thing you need to add is your own tablet or cell phone (Android and IOS supported)."
Hi easy - That is a terribly oversight on my part. iOS relies on BLE connectivity in stead of SPP. While we can support BLE, we have not yet had an iOS app partner to allow us to work with to implement Facet support. I will correct the documentation. If you purchased the unit with the expectation of using iOS, my apologies and we would welcome the return.
TS-Russell, can you tell me the name of the $300 iPhone app you mentioned? Do you know for sure if it will work with the RTK Facet?
Hi easy - That is a terribly oversight on my part. iOS relies on BLE connectivity in stead of SPP. While we can support BLE, we have not yet had an iOS app partner to allow us to work with to implement Facet support. I will correct the documentation. If you purchased the unit with the expectation of using iOS, my apologies and we would welcome the return.
Hi Sparky,
It seems there still isn’t any iOS support for the facet so perhaps we can help. I own a software company and we are potentially interested in partnering to get this to work on our app. Is there a way we can get in touch to discuss further?
Thanks for the ping! We have actually rolled out lots of support for iOS. Currently, all RTK units support BLE and a few months ago SW Maps for iOS (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sw-maps/id6444248083) was release.
We welcome and encourage additional Data Collector software to be developed for the RTK products. Please let us know if you have a software you’d like us to try.
Great to hear! I must have missed this in the documentation, can you point me towards any examples of how to connect? I just tried it on SW maps, but it isn’t seeing my RTK Facet
Both my Facet and RTK Express are not shown in my iphone bluetooth settings, though they do show up in windows. Not sure if I need to change any settings
After upgraded to firmware 2.6 I now noticed an option in the system settings to change the bluetooth protocol. This seemed to do something as I can now see the device in SW maps on my iphone, but when I try to connect it, the device resets itself and the bluetooth setting is automatically put back to the default. Is this a bug, or am I doing something not right?
Some more info: When I look at the serial terminal while doing this is gives me some output. I have attached the log file. Basically it gives an error that an assert failed and there is something corrupted:
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.6324
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.6338
BT client Connected
assert failed: xTaskPriorityDisinherit tasks.c:4801 (pxTCB->uxMutexesHeld)
Backtrace:0x40085101:0x3ffea1b00x3ffea26d:0x3ffea580 |<-CORRUPTED
Backtrace:0x40083dad:0x3ffe9d600x40095369:0x3ffe9d80 0x4009a9d5:0x3ffe9da0 0x40097d42:0x3ffe9ed0 0x400959aa:0x3ffe9ef0 0x40095e86:0x3ffe9f10 0x4010ede5:0x3ffe9f50 0x4010b8f5:0x3ffe9f80 0x400d3d16:0x3ffe9fa0
ELF file SHA256: 0000000000000000
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
teraterm.log (2.57 KB)
Ok, after re-uploading the firmware it is now working as expected. I guess something went wrong during the upload. The first time I had done it over serial, the second time over wifi which worked. I will play around with it a bit
I was a bit too soon, it connects well, but the SW Maps app says it is receiving no data. Is there another setting I need to adjust somewhere? Am I missing something in the manual?
and now it is doing the same as before: resetting the Facet after connecting on SW Maps… Can someone look at this?
firmware 2.5 works as expected, 2.6 gives the issues described above
Thanks for posting! Sounds like a firmware bug. Please post what you’ve found on the issues on the RTK Firmware repo: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … are/issues That’s where we track and fix firmware bugs.
Should I gather from this thread that SW Maps is the only iOS app that will work with Sparkfun’s RTK products (because they’re the only one that supports BLE communication)? In particular, QField on iOS will not work?
Docs for working with QFIeld are here: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … re/#qfield We’re hardware limited to Android so I can’t say for sure it will work with iOS.
There is now more detail in the RTK Manual about how to use SWMaps on iOS:
https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … #apple-ios
I hope this helps,
It’s now January 2025. Has there been a firmware update to allow RTK FACET to work with iOS and the survey software APGLOS ? APGLOS has a key feature which allows me to set a distance and angle to find the next point following DEED language. e.g. from IRON PIN, 12.34 degrees East of North for 345.34 feet to a point. SWMAPS doesn’t seem to have this basic survey/deed functionality.