RTK Facet not communicating

We have two RTK Facets. One has been set up as a base station, the other as a rover. We purchased the Facets through https://bathylogger.com/ and we are using them with hydromagic software.

We are using V5 Radios to link the two

The issue appears to be that the base station is not communicating with the rover. we are getting a blinking green and red light on the base station radio, and a blinking green on the rover.

would someone please be able to contact us to help resolve some issues we are having

I’m not familiar with V5 radios; Are these the ones you are using: [CUAV V5 PLUS 3DR Radio Telemetry 915

Some troubleshooting questions so we can help you with this issue:

  • Which port on the Facet are you connecting the radios to? (I expect the Radio port, but sometimes people use the Data port for custom setups)

  • Is the pinout between the radio and the Facet correct? Some radios have a different wiring configuration.

  • Are the radios electrical compatible (operate at the same voltage levels as the Facet does)?

  • Have you tried having one radio connected to the base station, and the other radio hooked to your computer, and reading the serial output that it is receiving? This is probably the best way to figure out what is going on, to see what information is making through the wireless connection.](CUAV V5 PLUS 3DR Radio Telemetry 915 - MotioNew)

These are the radios that were provided with the Facets.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/364379774795?c … gJI2PD_BwE

  • We are connected to the radio ports.

  • The pinouts appear to be correct.

  • As far as we know they are electrically compatible. the supplier says they work.

  • We have not tried to look at the data, but when both are connected via USB, they connect. The Facets are putting out 3.7 volts

One thing that we discovered in trouble shooting is that the Facets are not connecting via the ESP pairing. additionally the Base Station only transmitted one time since we had them.

Is there anyway we can call to discuss.

Those are a different type than the ones [we sell for this use case. I’m guessing BathyLogger has designed their own kit around the Facet, and those are the radios they have chosen. Have you talked to them yet? They will probably have a much better idea of how to troubleshoot them than we will, since we’ve never worked with those radios before.

Yes, I’ll send you a message with my number; please send me a text first so I can make sure to be out of any meetings and such, and then I will call you.](SiK Telemetry Radio V3 - 915MHz, 100mW - WRL-19032 - SparkFun Electronics)

The issue ended up being SD card related. Either the SD cards were defective, unformatted, corrupted, or just formatted very strangely, but removing them from the Facets made all the problems described above go away. The cards would not be read properly by Windows afterwards, but we never determined the exact state of them.