Hi all,
I have a problem with the SparkFun RTK mosaic-X5 station. It is running in our lab, permanently plugged, firmware version 4.14.0. It logs data on the memory card and pushes them to our ftp server. It has happened now twice, one month apart, that the mosaic-X5 stops logging and from this point on I cannot reach the web interface anymore (connection time out error). The OLED display is on, but shows the wrong timing. It could be the time from the moment the mosaic stopped working.
There was an error logged in the diagnostic report. Does anybody has an idea what it means?
Thanks in advance!
lstInternalFile, Error
GNSS FW: 6.14.7-gfc4f1d86b5 SN: 3819973
CURRENT TIME:1420361925
0 1418793098 Lv: Err Ln: 239 sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
1 1418793098 Lv: 0 Ln: 936 processInput COM4 ASCIIcmd was flushed
2 1418793097 Lv: Err Ln: 239 sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
3 1418793096 Lv: Err Ln: 239 sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
4 1418793095 Lv: Err Ln: 239 sendTrackerData 5 TrackerData lost
5 1418793060 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h11m00s
6 1418793000 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h10m00s
7 1418792940 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h09m00s
8 1418792880 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h08m00s
9 1418792820 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h07m00s
10 1418792760 Lv: 0 Ln: 729 processTime 2024-12-21 05h06m00s
lstInternalFile, SetupError
No error information available!
lstInternalFile, SisError
No error information available!
lstInternalFile, DiffCorrError
No error information available!