RTK mosaic-X5 station has frozen

Hi all,

I have a problem with the SparkFun RTK mosaic-X5 station. It is running in our lab, permanently plugged, firmware version 4.14.0. It logs data on the memory card and pushes them to our ftp server. It has happened now twice, one month apart, that the mosaic-X5 stops logging and from this point on I cannot reach the web interface anymore (connection time out error). The OLED display is on, but shows the wrong timing. It could be the time from the moment the mosaic stopped working.

There was an error logged in the diagnostic report. Does anybody has an idea what it means?

Thanks in advance!

lstInternalFile, Error

GNSS FW: 6.14.7-gfc4f1d86b5  SN: 3819973
CURRENT TIME:1420361925
  0 1418793098 Lv: Err Ln: 239      sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
  1 1418793098 Lv:   0 Ln: 936         processInput COM4 ASCIIcmd was flushed
  2 1418793097 Lv: Err Ln: 239      sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
  3 1418793096 Lv: Err Ln: 239      sendTrackerData 10 TrackerData lost
  4 1418793095 Lv: Err Ln: 239      sendTrackerData 5 TrackerData lost
  5 1418793060 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h11m00s
  6 1418793000 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h10m00s
  7 1418792940 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h09m00s
  8 1418792880 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h08m00s
  9 1418792820 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h07m00s
 10 1418792760 Lv:   0 Ln: 729          processTime 2024-12-21 05h06m00s

lstInternalFile, SetupError

  No error information available!

lstInternalFile, SisError

  No error information available!

lstInternalFile, DiffCorrError

  No error information available!

Hi @PepperJung ,

Thank you for the detailed report.

Did turning the unit off and on again solve the issue - in both cases?

If you can, please send me a Private Message and attach the full diagnostic report. I will pass it on to Septentrio and ask them for advice.

Best wishes,

Yes, turning off and on the unit helped in both cases.
I have sent you a message with the complete diagnostic report.

Thank you for you help!

Hi Anna,

Thank you for forwarding the diagnostic report. Here is the reply we received from Septentrio:

You should not have to worry about these errors as they generally will not pose a threat to the proper functioning of the receiver. These are more of a tool for our Septentrio engineers to use in helping them debug issues

Unfortunately, there is also not a way to clear and make them stop showing in the “lif,Error” listing. The best way would be to please ignore them.

If the report is that its “freezing” can you elaborate on what exactly is happening?

I noticed the firmware is a little outdated by now. Please make sure to start by upgrading to the latest release, fw v4.14.10.1 which you can download from our website here mosaic-X5 highly-accurate low power GNSS / GPS module

How to upgrade the firmware of a Septentrio receiver

Please make sure to also upload the “failsafe” firmware file.

If there are still issues, please log and collect 10-15 minutes of support level data as explained here

How to log SBF data for Support

Please make sure the “freezing” moment gets recorded

I had to do some reading about the “failsafe” firmware file. It is only required for some upgrades. In summary, you need to “First install the normal (non failsafe) latest firmware version, if this provides a stable performing receiver you can commence with the upload of the failsafe SUF followed by the normal latest firmware once again.”. This support article contains more details.

If you are able to capture the SBF Support Log, please message it to me and I will pass it on to Septentrio. This Forum software only allows certain file types to be attached to messages. You can ‘cheat’ by adding “.pdf” to the end of the filename. Rename “diagnosticreport_2025-01-09-080755.txt” to “diagnosticreport_2025-01-09-080755.txt.pdf” and then you can attach it.

I hope this helps. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Best wishes,

Hi Paul,

Thank you very much for your quick help. I have updated the firmware - first normal, then failsafe - and I am now also logging SBF data for support.

At the moment, the mosaic works as it should. If the problem will occur again, I will report back here.

Best regards,

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Thank you Anna,

The Forum will now accept text TXT files as message attachments. If you do capture a freeze, please send the complete report and we will forward it to Septentrio.

Have a nice weekend,