RTK Postcard Field Testing


I am happy to report I have been doing some field testing recently with the RTK postcard and the L1/L2/L5 antenna. After using the correct vertical offsets to ARP in Surpad I can happily report with no site calibration I was able to hit local county benchmarks 0.04’ horizontally and numerous NGS vertical benchmarks 0.02’ to 0.05’ vs published geoid 18 values.

I did these tests using Oregon’s DOT RTN network. I have since purchased an additional setup to use LoRa and a base to see what kind of accuracies can be achieved vs a regional RTK network.

I also plan do some static observations and see what opus results can be obtained.

Overall if someone is looking for an affordable RTK solution this is a great one. If Quectel can fix GST decimal places then I believe it will be rock solid.

I tested this setup against a Carlson Bx8 and Topcon Hyper GNSS antenna and checked better on a known benchmarks using the same RTN network.

Sincerely a very happy Surveyor


@AORPLS , these new GNSS chipsets are so inexpensive and have the capability to produce extremely accurate results - it kind of feels like cheating doesn’t it ? :wink:

My TopCon and Trimble equipment have basically been retired from service.

BTW: I’m seeing some NEW Products added inside the RTK Everywhere Source Code.
I hope we don’t have to wait too much longer for an announcement.



Glad to hear that is working well, and also hope the decimals issue is corrected soon.

As for announcements…something this month is likely! :wink:

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