RTK Postcard, in SW Maps Horizontal and Vertical Accuracy show N/A

I have installed the latest firmware for the LG290P chip.

In SW Maps both the Horizontal and the Vertical Accuracy fields show N/A. Is this a known problem or is there a setting I may have overlooked?

Did you also upgrade the RTK Everywhere Firmware and turn on the GST sentence ?

Thanks for the in formation; also the RTK Everywhere firmware is updated.

This may sound silly, I apologize, but how do I turn on GST?

There are a couple ways, we recommend using QGNSS from Quectel

Serial connect to the PostCard, (Serial “A”)

Configure GNSS Messages / Set NMEA Messages / Message GST

SparkPNT RTK Postcard d2.2
** Bluetooth SPP and BLE broadcasting as: Postcard Rover-1BA6 **
Menu: Main
1) Configure GNSS Receiver
2) Configure GNSS Messages
3) Configure Base
4) Configure Ports
5) Configure Logging
6) Configure WiFi
7) Configure TCP/UDP
f) Firmware Update
i) Configure Corrections Priorities
p) Configure PointPerfect
r) Configure Radios
s) Configure System
u) Configure User Profiles
+) Enter Command line mode
x) Exit

Menu: GNSS Messages
Active messages: 4
1) Set NMEA Messages
2) Set Rover RTCM Messages
3) Set Base RTCM Messages
4) Set PQTM Messages
10) Reset to Defaults
x) Exit

Menu: Message NMEA
1) Message RMC: 1
2) Message GGA: 1
3) Message GSV: 1
4) Message GSA: 0
5) Message VTG: 0
6) Message GLL: 0
7) Message GBS: 0 - Requires firmware update
8) Message GNS: 0 - Requires firmware update
9) Message GST: 1 - Requires firmware update
10) Message ZDA: 0 - Requires firmware update
x) Exit
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Thank you.