RTK surveyor error reporting accuracy

I am using two rtk surveyors in rover and base station modes. My goal is to geolocate specific spots around a test site so cm error accuracy is very important. I have the surveyor connected to a Linux machine running GPSD to interpret the NMEA or ublox data. What I am finding is that while a rover is in 1 cm accuracy mode the horizontal error data reports arbitrary date ranging from ~ 10-20. From the GPSD docs it explains this data is calculated by the GPS and is in meters which is far from the cm accuracy for my needs.

My questions are: Am I interpreting this data correctly. and if so how can I get more accurate error measurements for lat, long, and alt from the surveyor.

We don’t have any experience with GPSD and won’t be able to speak to its use…but to test the accuracy:

I would suggest trying the same set-up using U-blox’s software (follow this guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … 1615791300), U-Center, and se how the data/accuracy is appearing in there, and compare the outputs (should tell you how the data is being measured, and its accuracy…which could inform you as to maybe how GPSD is also functioning)

Hope this helps!