I’ve not been able to get setVal to work, even using the new F9P Example 10. I can set values using U-Center, but values don’t seem to get updated using setVal via the SparkFun Ublox lib, even though the setValueSuccess flag comes back true.
For example, I compile and load F9P Example 10, it runs ok, but then when I look at the values in U-Center it shows that they’ve not been changed. For example, the NMEA High Precision bit and the Meas Update Rate.
Is there something I’m missing or doing wrong?
P.S. I’m also not getting the getVal (F9P Example 6) to work. Below is what I see on the serial for Example 6. If I comment out the getVal lines, the main loop runs fine though.
entry 0x4008069c
Ublox getVal example
key: 0x20510001
Sending: CLS:6 ID:8B Len: 0x8 Payload: 0 2 0 0 1 0 51 20
Zero bytes available
Zero bytes available
waitForResponse timeout
Current I2C address (should be 0x42): 0x0
Hi dkelly79,
Sorry for the delay with our response. I’m not able to recreate your issue with setting values. A few quick checks would be to make sure you’re using the latest version of the library in Arduino with the Library Manager tool. The latest version is v1.6.0. Next, in terms of setting the NMEA High Precision setting, 0 is OFF and 1 is ON so to turn it on you would need to have the function read:
setValueSuccess &= myGPS.setVal8(0x10930006, 1);
One other quirk you may be stuck on is you’ll most likely need to open your serial monitor to have the values written properly since there are several print statements that will prevent the code from running in the background.
I hope this helps explain the issue a bit and gets you past this roadblock. If you still have issues with the setVal functions, can you please include as much information about your setup as possible. For example, your operating system, Arduino version and type (eg. Windows App, installer/executable install or .zip install), and what type of Arduino you are using with the ZED-F9P? That will help us try to recreate the issue here to see what the issue is.
I downloaded the SparkFun lib again just now, to make sure I had the latest version. When I run the getVal example (Example 6), I get this:
entry 0x4008069c
Ublox getVal example
key: 0x20510001
Sending: CLS:6 ID:8B Len: 0x8 Payload: 0 2 0 0 1 0 51 20
Size: 4 Received: CLS:6 ID:8B Len: 0x4 Payload: 1 2 0 0
Size: 2 Received: CLS:5 ID:1 Len: 0x2 Payload: 6 8B
Command sent/ack’d successfully
Current I2C address (should be 0x42): 0x0
As far as my setup:
Arduino 1.8.7
iMac, current Apple OS
Serial monitor is open
Arduino used: Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus
I’ll try the setVal again, but thinking it won’t work if getVal not working…
Hi again Don,
Thanks for clarifying your setup here. I was able to recreate the issue with the getVal example and we’re looking into what is causing it. It may be an error in the library and if that is the case, we’ll get a fix pushed as soon as we can. I’ll update this post when I hear back from the engineer for the library.