Running Example02_AnalogRead.ino on a RedBoard Artemis Nano causes Blue Screen of Death in Windows 11

Hello! We are trying to run Example02_AnalogRead.ino on a RedBoard Artemis Nano. Unfortunately, this consistently causes a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) for our machines running Windows 10 and Windows 11. We using the ArduinoIDE and Serial Monitor.

The same thing also happens with the PDM/Example1_MicrophoneOutput.ino.

We tried lowering the baud rate to 9600 from 115200. This delayed the issue, but Windows still blue-screens after roughly 15 seconds.

Has anyone else come across this issue?

This must be created by the CH340 driver or IDE. A remote serial device, like a Redboard, can not/ should not be able to cause this.

Make sure you have the latest CH340E driver, follow the instructions for the the CH340 : Hookup Guide for the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano - SparkFun Learn. else re-install the IDE version.

Hi @paulvha! Thanks for the reply. I just tried reinstalling the CH340 driver EXE the WCH website, updating the USB serial device’s driver using the new CH340 driver, reinstalling the ArduinoIDE, and restarting the computer. Unfortunately, while seemed to delay the BSOD, it still happened after a few minutes of keeping the serial monitor open.

if this is the BSOD of Windows, something else must be wrong with the PC. BUT if you see a lot of register dumps in the serial console (while Windows continue to work normally e.g. you can still open a new window on the PC), then it is the Redboard software / sketch crashing.

You tried pretty much everything to solve the problem. However, it can be caused by a low quality cable too. Try with another cable.

You’re not the only person having issues with the CH340 in windows 11, there’s plenty of others if you google it. Sounds like it may be a bad driver.

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Hey all! Thanks for the advice. For context, I’m TAing a class that of about 60 students, each of whom have an Artemis. So far, we’ve seen this issue on approximately ten different machines running either Windows 10 or Windows 11, so I’m pretty sure it’s not an issue with a specific computer.

All the students are using the same model of USB cable, so I’ll see if I can replicate it with a different cable. I’ll also look into other problems people have had with the CH340 driver.

can you share the sketch you are using. want to try on my PC and see whether I can help. I have connected to windows11 and can not get it to fail. Wonder whether I can reproduce.

I have the exact same issue when doing analog read on a Redboard Artemis, windows 11. Has anyone been to solve this issue?

Do other sketches work normally?