RedBoard Qwiic DEV-15123 Causing Consistent BSOD on Windows using CH341S64 drivers / Need Support

Dear Sparkfun Support,

We have three RedBoard Qwiic DEV-15123 connected to a Windows 11 Pro PC via USB, each with a serial connection established at 115000 baud.

Every few hours the system crashes and reboots (the entire Windows resets). We have tried to find the issue but just couldn’t find anything. All drivers are fully updated and we use the official CH341S64 drivers.

You can find minidumps here:

(or see below)

What could be the issue - how can we prevent this from happening?

Many thanks and kind regards

Dumpfile analysis:

For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
fffff80221e15cb0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:fffff8021fccf450=000000000000000a
0: kd> !analyze -v

  •                                                                         *
  •                    Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
  •                                                                         *

An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
Arg1: 0000000000000038, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff8025bd848a1, address which referenced memory

Debugging Details:


Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 1796

Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 6167

Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
Value: 5

Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
Value: 0

Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
Value: 13

Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
Value: 218

Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 36447

Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 89

Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
Value: 0xd1

Key  : Bugcheck.Code.TargetModel
Value: 0xd1

Key  : Dump.Attributes.AsUlong
Value: 1808

Key  : Dump.Attributes.DiagDataWrittenToHeader
Value: 1

Key  : Dump.Attributes.ErrorCode
Value: 0

Key  : Dump.Attributes.KernelGeneratedTriageDump
Value: 1

Key  : Dump.Attributes.LastLine
Value: Dump completed successfully.

Key  : Dump.Attributes.ProgressPercentage
Value: 0

Key  : Failure.Bucket
Value: AV_CH341S64!unknown_function

Key  : Failure.Hash
Value: {5da1b365-fc5a-210d-9f24-c039064caf12}

Key  : Hypervisor.Enlightenments.ValueHex
Value: 1417df84

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.AnyHypervisorPresent
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.ApicEnlightened
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.ApicVirtualizationAvailable
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.AsyncMemoryHint
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.CoreSchedulerRequested
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.CpuManager
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.DeprecateAutoEoi
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.DynamicCpuDisabled
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.Epf
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.ExtendedProcessorMasks
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.HardwareMbecAvailable
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.MaxBankNumber
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.MemoryZeroingControl
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.NoExtendedRangeFlush
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.NoNonArchCoreSharing
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.Phase0InitDone
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.PowerSchedulerQos
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.RootScheduler
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.SynicAvailable
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.UseQpcBias
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.Value
Value: 21631230

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.ValueHex
Value: 14a10fe

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.VpAssistPage
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.Flags.VsmAvailable
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.AccessStats
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.CrashdumpEnlightened
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.CreateVirtualProcessor
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.DisableHyperthreading
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.HostTimelineSync
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.HypervisorDebuggingEnabled
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.IsHyperV
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.LivedumpEnlightened
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.MapDeviceInterrupt
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.MceEnlightened
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.Nested
Value: 0

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.StartLogicalProcessor
Value: 1

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.Value
Value: 1015

Key  : Hypervisor.RootFlags.ValueHex
Value: 3f7





BUGCHECK_P4: fffff8025bd848a1

FILE_IN_CAB: 082924-6390-03.dmp

TAG_NOT_DEFINED_202b: *** Unknown TAG in analysis list 202b

Kernel Generated Triage Dump

FAULTING_THREAD: ffff8004d97f0040

READ_ADDRESS: fffff8022271c470: Unable to get MiVisibleState
Unable to get NonPagedPoolStart
Unable to get NonPagedPoolEnd
Unable to get PagedPoolStart
Unable to get PagedPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmSpecialPagesInUse

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)





TRAP_FRAME: fffff8021fccf590 – (.trap 0xfffff8021fccf590)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=00000000000493e0 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=00000000ffffffff
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff8025bd848a1 rsp=fffff8021fccf720 rbp=00000000000000a3
r8=0000000000000002 r9=000000000000002f r10=fffff80221ccfb70
r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
fffff8025bd848a1 48837a3800 cmp qword ptr [rdx+38h],0 ds:0000000000000038=???
Resetting default scope

fffff8021fccf448 fffff80221e2bc29 : 000000000000000a 0000000000000038 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff8021fccf450 fffff80221e27089 : 0000000000000004 fffff8021fccf650 0000000000000000 fffff80221d407da : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
fffff8021fccf590 fffff8025bd848a1 : ffff8004d97ee1c0 00000000000000a3 ffff8004d97ee3f0 ffff8004e2eb9488 : nt!KiPageFault+0x489
fffff8021fccf720 ffff8004d97ee1c0 : 00000000000000a3 ffff8004d97ee3f0 ffff8004e2eb9488 0000000000000210 : CH341S64+0x48a1
fffff8021fccf728 00000000000000a3 : ffff8004d97ee3f0 ffff8004e2eb9488 0000000000000210 fffff80200000002 : 0xffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021fccf730 ffff8004d97ee3f0 : ffff8004e2eb9488 0000000000000210 fffff80200000002 ffff8004b93fcfd0 : 0xa3 fffff8021fccf738 ffff8004e2eb9488 : 0000000000000210 fffff80200000002 ffff8004b93fcfd0 00000bd394eae319 : 0xffff8004d97ee3f0
fffff8021fccf740 0000000000000210 : fffff80200000002 ffff8004b93fcfd0 00000bd394eae319 ffff8004d97ee520 : 0xffff8004e2eb9488 fffff8021fccf748 fffff80200000002 : ffff8004b93fcfd0 00000bd394eae319 ffff8004d97ee520 ffff8004d97ee1c0 : 0x210 fffff8021fccf750 ffff8004b93fcfd0 : 00000bd394eae319 ffff8004d97ee520 ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021e934180 : 0xfffff80200000002
fffff8021fccf758 00000bd394eae319 : ffff8004d97ee520 ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021e934180 fffff8025bd84d85 : 0xffff8004b93fcfd0 fffff8021fccf760 ffff8004d97ee520 : ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021e934180 fffff8025bd84d85 ffff8004d97ee1c0 : 0x00000bd394eae319
fffff8021fccf768 ffff8004d97ee1c0 : fffff8021e934180 fffff8025bd84d85 ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021fccfe00 : 0xffff8004d97ee520 fffff8021fccf770 fffff8021e934180 : fffff8025bd84d85 ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021fccfe00 0000000000000002 : 0xffff8004d97ee1c0
fffff8021fccf778 fffff8025bd84d85 : ffff8004d97ee1c0 fffff8021fccfe00 0000000000000002 fffff8021fccfe70 : 0xfffff8021e934180 fffff8021fccf780 ffff8004d97ee1c0 : fffff8021fccfe00 0000000000000002 fffff8021fccfe70 fffff8021fccfe70 : CH341S64+0x4d85 fffff8021fccf788 fffff8021fccfe00 : 0000000000000002 fffff8021fccfe70 fffff8021fccfe70 ffffa4010d141d30 : 0xffff8004d97ee1c0
fffff8021fccf790 0000000000000002 : fffff8021fccfe70 fffff8021fccfe70 ffffa4010d141d30 0000000000000000 : 0xfffff8021fccfe00 fffff8021fccf798 fffff8021fccfe70 : fffff8021fccfe70 ffffa4010d141d30 0000000000000000 fffff80221c5338c : 0x2 fffff8021fccf7a0 fffff8021fccfe70 : ffffa4010d141d30 0000000000000000 fffff80221c5338c 0000000000000000 : 0xfffff8021fccfe70
fffff8021fccf7a8 ffffa4010d141d30 : 0000000000000000 fffff80221c5338c 0000000000000000 ffffa4010d141d30 : 0xfffff8021fccfe70 fffff8021fccf7b0 0000000000000000 : fffff80221c5338c 0000000000000000 ffffa4010d141d30 ffffa40100000000 : 0xffffa4010d141d30

SYMBOL_NAME: CH341S64+48a1



STACK_COMMAND: .process /r /p 0xffff8004b90cd040; .thread 0xffff8004d97f0040 ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: AV_CH341S64!unknown_function


OSNAME: Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {5da1b365-fc5a-210d-9f24-c039064caf12}

Followup: MachineOwner

If you’re connecting multiple devices to the same USB port or hub, try to use a powered USB hub to ensure that each device gets sufficient power. This can also reduce the load on the system’s USB controller.

Hi @aliarifat794 ,

Thanks - all the devices are powered separately through a dedicated power adapter (a high-quality one).

Kind regards

IRQ errors are something either in the hardware itself (pc side) or the drivers’ registry needs to eb flushed and reinstalled like so How to Install CH340 Drivers - SparkFun Learn