running the USB CDC example from nRF5_SDK on the nrf52840 Pro Mini


Im trying to get the USB CDC example running on the Sparkfun nRF52840 Pro Mini. I am using v15.2 of the nRF SDK

My goal is to use the USB for serial data transfer and debugging. (Perhaps there are other examples for this?)

The example I am trying to run can be found under C:\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\peripheral\usbd_cdc_acm

(I followed the Sparkfun [SDK tutorial and was able to get several of the sdk examples to run, the ble_app_blinky for example)

I am able to compile the example and flash the firmware to the Pro Mini

once the program starts to run however it seems to hang.

I’ve tried to figure out where this happens and I believe it is related to the line:


(I am able to blink the onboard led before this line, and not afterwards)

I would very much appreciate any help in troubleshooting and figuring out what the issue is.

Thank you in advance,
