SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - Bluetooth Development Board - BLE_APP_BLINKY Errors

Hello Team,

I am working on SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - Bluetooth … ment Board . I have followed the Hookup Guide and VS Code Guide step by step. I was able to run the Blikny app as given in the VS Code guide. But when I am trying to compile the BLE_APP_BLINKY app with all the required changes I am running into compilation errors.

Please find the screenshots and target folder for sparkfun nrf52840 attached here for your reference.

I am using Windows 10 system and nRF SDK version 16.0.0 … 1583356289 … e-nrf5-sdk

can you try to copy /paste the tekst or store a larger version on another website and provide a link. This is picture is not readable and can not help.

Hi Paul,

As requested, please find the image here: … sp=sharing

Thank you


Hi Paul,

I found the solution and it is working now. The problem was with path length for the source and header files. Shortening the path solved the problem.

Thank you!