SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini Bluetooth Development Board Setup

My company recently purchased some of the SparkFun Pro boards. I went online and followed the directions for Arduino installation. I then tried to compile the Blinky Button BLE example code but consistently get the error that ‘Serial’ was not declared when I select Sparkfun Pro nRF52840 but does compile if I select an Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52840 variations. I copied the text over to the boards.txt file and copied the sparkfun_nfr52840_mini to the variants folder. Any ideas why this error I would truly appreciate. Is there a header file I’m missing

I was using an Arduino mega attached to a Bluetooth module and communicated just fine before.

Hey Don. I apologize for the delay in response here.

I suggest that you check this forum out for information on what is going on with this product: … 40#p205356

We are currently working on trying to fix the issue. The issue is currently prioritized and we will work on the problem as soon as we can.

If you are fixing for returning the products, please look into filing an RMA ticket here:

Let us know if we can do anything else.

Hi Don,

Just a quick update, we have identified the issue and have a fix ready to go. It was a compatibility problem with our board definitions and the Adafruit library. We’re going to update the [GitHub repository and the [Arduino and CircuitPython Development Guide with this fix in the next day or two. There are two issues open on the GitHub page we will be resolving as well so once those are closed, you’ll know the fix is live.

You will need to go back and update the boards.txt file and the variants files for the board definition for the fix to work. Just go back through the relevant steps in the Arduino Installation section of the guide I linked above.

This should get everything working as expected and you can move forward with your project. Let us know if you continue to have this problem or run into any other issues with the Pro nRF52840 and we would be happy to help.](](GitHub - sparkfun/nRF52840_Breakout_MDBT50Q: Breakout board for the MDBT50Q nRF52840 module)