SAMD21 pro RF board SERCOM/UART ports

Someone please tell me I’m dumb, its me, I’m the problem, because I’m loosing my mind.

I bought three of these boards in the 915 version about 6 months ago. only getting round to playing with them now, Iv succesfully set them up to run a lorawan exmaple all good. My issue is NONE of my serial ports work.

I have tried the hardware serial, I have tried ALT Sercom assignment. I do not get any of the expected response. Tried SERCOM0 to SERCOM4 tried serial and assigning new serials as per Adafruit.

At some stage I assigned SERCOM2 which is suppose to be D2 and D5. when i did a loopback test there was no response but with the same code bridging the hardware serial I managed to get loopback. This is on all my board. I feel like there are defective or have the wrong bootloader/pin map on them.

Below is the latest code but this is one of 50 versions Iv tried. is anyone else having or have seen some of these issues with serial ports on this board ?

#include <wiring_private.h> // Required for SERCOM configuration

// Create a new UART instance for SERCOM2
Uart mySerial(&sercom2, 5, 2, SERCOM_RX_PAD_1, UART_TX_PAD_0); // RX = D5, TX = D2

void SERCOM2_Handler() {

void setup() {
  SerialUSB.begin(115200); // USB Serial for debugging
  while (!SerialUSB);

  SerialUSB.println("Testing SERCOM2");

  pinPeripheral(5, PIO_SERCOM_ALT); // D5 → RX
  pinPeripheral(2, PIO_SERCOM_ALT); // D2 → TX


void loop() {
  mySerial.print("Hello from SERCOM2 TX!");
  SerialUSB.println("Sent: Hello from SERCOM2 TX!");

  while (mySerial.available()) {
    char c =;
    SerialUSB.print("Received: ");

If SERCOM2 seems problematic, try using SERCOM0, SERCOM1, or SERCOM4 with their respective pins. Update your code accordingly.

Like I mentioned, Iv tried all of them, same issue. I uninstalled everything and updated all libraries and IDEs if I programmed the device as the target with none 1W version I get the same issue but once i started targeting the board as the 1W version now everything works even thou I do not have the 1W version

Odd - but happy to hear it is working!