SAMD51 schematic - SPI1 nets not connected to M.2 pins

The [MicroMod SAMD51 schematic shows nets SCK1, COPI1, CIPO1, and CS1 are wired to the MCU, but they are not wired to the M.2 pins. I would expect them to be wired to M.2 pins 60, 62, 64, and 70, respectively, but this is not shown on the schematic. Is this a bug in the schematic, or are the pins actually not connected?

I have one of these on order, so I should be able to confirm this myself once it arrives.](

I do not believe they are connected

A fellow customer made this comparison chart for the processors that might be helpful … 1448553762

Confirmed: SCK1, COPI1, CIPO1, and CS1 are not connected to any of the M.2 pins.

Thanks for the link to the spreadsheet. I wish I had seen it before I spent a few hours creating a very similar looking spreadsheet! :roll: