SARA-R410M-02B firmware update


I have a “SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT” board with a “SARA-R410M-02B” modem. I would like to make a firmware update to the latest version. Afaik this is “L0.” as described in … 506%29.pdf.

The release notes lists 3 pages of fixes in the new firmware version, so this is probably interesting for many people that are using the board.

Here are the specific versions of my board:


Manufacturer: u-blox

Model: SARA-R410M-02B

Revision: L0. [Feb 03 2018 13:00:41]

SVN: 02



Is there any support for this from Sparkfun?


We are looking into this.

I will update this forum topic when we get an answer.

I apologize for not being of more use at the moment. Let me know if I can do anything in the meantime.

I talked to ublox and they sent me a Windows Program called EasyFlash and the latest firmware binary.

The procedure is described here: … 154%29.pdf

This did not work for me, EasyFlash did not find the board.

This is my setup:

I power the LTE board with a LiPo Battery and use a Sparkfun Basic Serial board plugged on the FTDI header to connect to the windows machine USB port. I’m NOT using the LTE board USB interface.

Sadly we can’t help with firmware upgrades, but the document you referenced mentions flashing the firmware directly via the USB interface on the module. I don’t think you’re able to flash via the UART pins on our board.

We haven’t tried this so I can’t say for sure if it’s necessary by you may need to close the VUSB_DET on the bottom of the board for the utility to be able to find the SARA module. If you do that, I’d suggest only powering the board from USB and if you find you need external power, you use a current limited power source just in case an issue should arise during the flash process.

It’s possible to brick your board by attempting this so be aware you’re doing this at your own risk and we will not be able to replace a bricked board.

@TS-Chris @TS-John @TS-Brandon @El_Duderino

“It’s possible to brick your board by attempting this so be aware you’re doing this at your own risk and we will not be able to replace a bricked board.”

Guys, this is an abhorrent stance to take on this issue. Sparkfun continues to market this LTE shield as loaded with out-of-the-box functionality, yet all of you are clearly aware that customers are receiving units with outdated firmware that negates all that functionality and essentially renders the shield useless as a device. You have all been involved in threads dating back a full year that evidence this, yet nothing whatsoever has been done about it.

So after spending $80 on a unit to test, I have now also spent over 4 hours researching how to make it work…only to find out I’m essentially on my own and risk flushing $80 down the drain, IF i can even get Ublox to give me the firmware (and something goes wrong in the update process).

To anyone just tuning in and trying to figure out why your LTE shield can’t make it past step #2 of the tutorials, Sparkfun has:

A) Been made aware through a slew of forums posts (and I assume direct support requests) that this shield has widespread issues connecting to and utilizing the network.

B) Barely given any actionable help to the those in the forum with such connection issues.

C) Given no warning on the product’s page that this shield may ship with outdated firmware that renders all of the touted Hologram functions moot.

D) Given no instructions or support for users to update the firmware themselves (in fact you are sending people to Ublox support for help when it’s clear from forum posts that uBlox is sending many people back to Sparkfun).

E) Told users who are brave/persistent enough to go the extra mile and try to update the firmware themselves (rather than sending it back for a refund) that if something goes wrong and it gets bricked, that’s on them and it won’t be returnable.

This is an irrefutable case of not standing behind your product and not supporting your customers, and frankly it makes us completely rethink the decision we made to designate Sparkfun as one of our company’s premiere vendors. This is not in line with the kind of company we thought Sparkfun was. Please reconsider what’s happening here.

Hey, Ironhalo. Thanks for the post.

We will be reaching out to you sometime next with with instructions on how to upload firmware in addition to providing the appropriate firmware needed for your specific module as well. I do apologize for the delay here as this has been a work in progress on our end and I sincerely appreciate your understanding as well as your feedback on the matter. We look forward to resolving this issue soon.

I hope you have a great weekend. Cheers for now.

John, that is great news, for me and all the other folks who have been having trouble with this board. Very happy to hear a solution is in the works. Thanks.

No worries. We are fixing to get this process nailed down as soon as possible.

If anybody else wishes to modify the firmware on their SARA-R4 module(s) you could simply send an Email with the subject “U-blox firmware modification request” followed by your SparkFun order number and we can work with you on getting the information and firmware you need to make the proper modifications.