LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield firmware update needed

I bought recently the LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield in the Netherlands to connect to T-mobile, I can connect and get an IP, but many of the command of the T-mobile stepping plan are not working and can not peform basic sending after connecting.

commands like below give errors (as they are not supported in the firmware)







I have tried using the supported commands of this firmware



But I get ERROR can not sent any data…

Turns out that the firmware on the board is old (2018)and new firmware is available since May 2019 , which adds new commands, the right MNO for EUrope and T-mobile but also solves a ton of issues. I have seen others on the T-mobile forum that do have the SARA 410M b, their commands work, but they have the new firmware. I have read other forums as well, but no success.

That firmware is not freely available on Intenet and you need to request it. I have been in contact with Ublox but they deny support to end-users and the local supplier (Antratek) can’t help either. I have requested an RMA to return and buy another module, non-ublox thus non-Sparkfun, but as a last resort I wonder whether you have the information on how to update this module to the latest firmware ( … 506%29.pdf .)


There is another thread from fall of 2019 regarding updating the R4 firmware.

I have the same old firmware as well. UBLOX local support supplied me with new FW and EasyFlash software to update, however board is not recognized by USB.

It was suggested that closing the VUSB_DET on the bottom of the shield may make the R4 detected by the USB.

This did not work for me.

As far as I can tell, there hasn’t been a successful FW update solution posted.


Thanks Cue,

As I got stuck on the project after 3 weeks of trying to obtain the firmware, I have returned the board to the reseller and obtained one from a different vendor which has the latest version. It is now working.

Hi Paul,

Can I ask the new vendors name?

I’m in the same boat, looking for an alternate vendor.



I discovered a dutch firm called SODAQ which is totally focused on Lora and NB/LTE. As I living in the Netherlands that looked a good choice for me.

Thank you,

I just ordered 2 to test!
